The Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics publishes articles related to nutritional science, clinical nutrition, dietetics practice, and public health nutrition. The scope of the journal recognises the breadth and multidisciplinary nature of nutrition and dietetics research and will consider material from all facets of the discipline.

Reasons to Publish with JHND

Quick Decisions: Submission to first decision in 24 days on average in 2021

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’Early View’ and ‘Accepted Articles’Final corrected proofs of each article are published 38 days after acceptance.

No overall word count limit for articles

Opportunity to transfer to alternative journals if rejected by JHND

Double Blind Peer Review & Transparent Peer Review 

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Open Access publishingafter full peer-review, authors can choose to publish open access.


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Open access

Meat and dairy consumption in Scottish adults: insights from a national survey

  •  4 October 2024

Graphical Abstract

Meat and dairy consumption in Scottish adults: insights from a national survey Issue ,

Dietary data from the 2021 Scottish Health Survey were analysed to understand meat and dairy consumption. Intakes were high, and primary sources were chicken dishes, beef dishes, sandwiches and liquid milk. Meat and dairy products contributed to essential nutrients, highlighting the need for careful dietary adjustments to meet climate goals.

Open access

Orthorexia nervosa tendencies and risk of eating disorders among culinary arts students: A comparative study with dietetics students

  •  3 October 2024

Graphical Abstract

Orthorexia nervosa tendencies and risk of eating disorders among culinary arts students: A comparative study with dietetics students Issue ,

The key points of the study are illustrated, including a simplified research question, a description of the samples, the self-report questionnaires used, and the main findings. The following abbreviations are used: EDs: eating disorders; ON: orthorexia nervosa; EHQ: eating habits questionnaire; EDEQ: eating disorder examination questionnaire; *p < 0.05 indicates statistical significance.


Effect of chia seeds or concentrated fish oil on cardiometabolic risk markers in subjects with hypertriglyceridaemia: a parallel clinical trial

  •  3 October 2024

Graphical Abstract

Effect of chia seeds or concentrated fish oil on cardiometabolic risk markers in subjects with hypertriglyceridaemia: a parallel clinical trial Issue ,

Patients with hypertriglyceridaemia may enquire as to whether consuming omega-3-rich plant foods could prove as efficacious in managing their condition as fish oil supplements. This study compares the effects of consuming chia seeds with concentrated fish oil on cardiometabolic factors in individuals with hypertriglyceridaemia.

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The following is a list of the most cited articles based on citations published in the last three years, according to CrossRef.

Open access

Front of pack nutritional labelling schemes: a systematic review and meta‐analysis of recent evidence relating to objectively measured consumption and purchasing

  •  518-537
  •  4 May 2020

Graphical Abstract

Front of pack nutritional labelling schemes: a systematic review and meta-analysis of recent evidence relating to objectively measured consumption and purchasing Issue 4, 2020

In this systematic review, we examine the impact of front of pack labelling, for prepackaged foods, on objectively measured purchasing and consumption. Experimental studies showed reduced sugar and sodium content of purchased food with any front of pack labelling compared to no label. Interrupted time series studies indicate that front of pack labelling resulted in healthy purchasing.

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The Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics aims to provide authors of original submissions with a first decision, supported by at least 2 expert reviewer evaluations, within 21 days of manuscript submission.

The average time from submission to first decision is just 17 days.

To submit your manuscript, please click here.For further information about the submission process and which papers are likely to be accepted, please consult our Author Guidelines.

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