Clinical Transplantation is an international transplantation journal publishing the latest research on the care of patients who require, or have had, organ or tissue transplants.

Our scope is focused on the complete spectrum of present transplant therapies and surgery, as well as those that are experimental or may become possible in future. We are essential reading for clinicians and researchers in the diverse field of transplantation and will also be of interest to sociologists, psychologists, research workers, and to all health professionals whose combined efforts will improve the prognosis of transplant recipients.


Reasons to Publish with Us:
  • Step by step Author Guidelines position your manuscript for the best chance of acceptance.
  • Get manuscript support from an expert editorial team and access to the Transplant Review Network.
  • Get read by thousands of professionals in both surgery & transplantation. 
  • Informs on the full spectrum of transplant therapies, plus those that are experimental, futuristic.

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