Editor-in-Chief: Rubén Gaztambide-Fernández
Online ISSN:1467-873X
Print ISSN:0362-6784
© The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto
Journal list menu
The Curricular Indian Agent: Discursive Colonization and Indigenous (Dys)Agency in U.S. History Textbooks
-  649-676
-  1 December 2014
Power Relations in Creating and Distributing Official Knowledge in Children's Literature: Historical Picture of Taiwan
-  620-648
-  1 December 2014
Enacting Critical Literacy: The Case of a Language Minority Preservice Teacher
-  677-699
-  1 December 2014
From Rags to “Rich as Rockefeller”: Portrayals of Class Mobility in Newbery Titles
-  591-619
-  1 December 2014
The following is a list of the most cited articles based on citations published in the last three years, according to CrossRef.
Teacher Agency in Curriculum Making: Agents of Change and Spaces for Manoeuvre
-  191-214
-  23 March 2012
Sound, Presence, and Power: “Student Voice” in Educational Research and Reform
-  359-390
-  20 December 2006
Cosmopolitan Literacies, Social Networks, and “Proper Distance”: Striving to Understand in a Global World
-  15-44
-  16 January 2014
Curriculum Materials in Mathematics Education Reform: A Framework for Examining Teachers' Curriculum Development
-  315-342
-  17 December 2002