Edited By: Kate Hardy, Andy Hodder, Robert MacKenzie, Danat Valizade
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Focused on the changing nature of work and employment and its relationship to technology and technological developments, New Technology, Work and Employment promotes enhanced analysis of the shifting contours of work and employment. Our journal encourages a critical understanding of the multiple dimensions of technological change in the workplace, the labour market, and employment more generally.
Virtual Issue on NTWE in the era of COVID-19
The impact of the COVID‐19 crisis on working lives is enormous. As the virus spread across the globe in the early months of 2020, we quickly witnessed fundamental changes to our work and social lives. Across the world, millions of workers suddenly found themselves unemployed or furloughed as businesses struggled to meet costs. The full economic impact of the pandemic is yet to be determined, but it will be significant (see Keogh‐Brown et al., 2010). Displays of emotions in the workplace have increased, and tensions have become heightened as society struggles to adjust to widespread illness and death of friends, family and colleagues. Read the full virtual issue, in addition to Dr Andy Hodder's review of NTWE's research here.
Call for Papers
Reshaping work: Disabled people’s inclusion and digitalization in the new world of work
This special issue hopes to encourage more research and critical debates on how digitalization, AI, and machine learning affect job search and hiring processes as well as working life in a broader sense among disabled people. We invite both theoretical contributions and empirical studies building on qualitative, quantitative data or mixed methods to change the direction of debates on the future of work and reshape work with and for disabled people. We especially welcome innovative methods, including those that prioritize disabled people’s voices and that use emancipatory approaches.
See here for more details.
Deadline for submissions: 31 January 2025
The Performative Power of Digital Nursing Platforms: Norms, Values and Identities in Alternative Work Realities
-  3 February 2025
‘Gig’ Work and Fatherhood: A Typology of Ride‐Share Fathers in Australia
-  16 January 2025
‘While Strictly Speaking It Is Illegal, You Can Work as Long as You Want’: How Platform Facades Enable Gig Workers to Comply With, Bend and Break Migration Rules
-  13 January 2025
The Power of Precision: How Algorithmic Monitoring and Performance Management Enhances Employee Workplace Well‐Being
-  25 December 2024
A Cause Without Rebels? Exploring the Tensions Between Framing and Identity in the Mobilisation of Platform Workers
-  25 December 2024
The following is a list of the most cited articles based on citations published in the last three years, according to CrossRef.
Assessing the growth of remote working and its consequences for effort, well‐being and work‐life balance
-  195-212
-  4 October 2017
Impact of telework on exhaustion and job engagement: a job demands and job resources model
-  193-207
-  26 October 2012
Flexibility in the gig economy: managing time on three online piecework platforms
-  13-29
-  5 February 2018
The psychological impact of teleworking: stress, emotions and health
-  196-211
-  2 October 2003
Teleworking: benefits and pitfalls as perceived by professionals and managers
-  34-49
-  17 December 2002