Edited by: Bettina Bastian, Natalia Vershinina, Bronwyn Wood
Gender, Work & Organization is the first gender equality journal dedicated to gender relations, the organization of gender and the gendering of organizations.
For 30 years, the journal has published multi-disciplinary, high quality empirical research on gendered power relations, identity, and inclusion. We welcome studies covering issues of current interest, including the gender pay gap, flexible work, career patterns, women on boards, and access to leadership positions.
Issues of critical importance as Gender, Work & Organization moves forward include feminist knowledge and practice, feminist philosophies and praxis, diversity, intersectionality, transnational, postcolonial, and decolonial feminisms, feminist ecology, postfeminist humanism/posthumanist feminism, embodiment, affect and organising, gendered power, resistance and activism, gender and global labour markets, critical analyses of neoliberalism, postfeminism, femininities and heroic versus post-heroic leadership approaches.
The topics covered by Gender, Work & Organization are critically important, and we continue to support our authors and subject communities in this impactful journal. We would like to take this opportunity to clarify that no changes have been suggested to the aims and scope of GWO, nor the quality and quantity of the articles that it aims to publish. We will continue to publish critical feminist scholarship, and the aims and scope of GWO remain inclusive.
The new Editors-in-Chief will build upon the journal’s strong foundation and expand the breadth of expertise and representation to be more diverse, global, and inclusive than ever. Our top priority is to ensure that the journal meets the evolving needs of the community, provides insights into emerging areas of study, and includes various areas of scholarship and expertise.
We continue to support our authors and we want to assure them that all manuscripts will be processed accordingly.
Higher Education Leadership Agency in Mainstreaming Gender Equality: Insights From Universities in Kazakhstan
-  12 January 2025
Entre el Clóset y la (Des)colonización: Explorando la Satisfacción Laboral LGBT+ en el Contexto Chileno
-  9 January 2025
Raising Their Voices Against Patriarchy: The Dynamic Use of Women's Leadership Styles for Progressing Gender Equality in Unions
-  9 January 2025
Gendering “The Hidden Injuries of Class”: In‐Work Poverty, Precarity, and Working Women Using Food Banks in Britain
-  7 January 2025
The following is a list of the most cited articles based on citations published in the last three years, according to CrossRef.
COVID‐19 and the gender gap in work hours
-  101-112
-  2 July 2020
A gendered pandemic: Childcare, homeschooling, and parents' employment during COVID-19
-  515-534
-  23 December 2020
Dual‐earner parent couples’ work and care during COVID‐19
-  66-79
-  25 June 2020
“I have turned into a foreman here at home”: Families and work–life balance in times of COVID‐19 in a gender equality paradise
-  268-283
-  19 September 2020
Recent issues
- Volume 31, Issue 5
Special Issue: Caring Masculinities at Work: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives across Europe; Doing Transgender: Gender Minorities in the Organization; Sexism in business schools: Structural inequalities, systemic failures and individual experiences of sexism; Feminist Frontiers
3-2302September 2024