The American Journal of Medical Genetics - Part A (AJMG) is your primary source for all biological and medical aspects of inherited disorders and birth defects research. Readers will find ground-breaking insight on phenotype and molecular analysis of known disorders and new syndromes.

We have a broad readership of physicians, medical geneticists and associated professionals. Other topics include fetal genetic pathology and teratology, genetic drift, historical aspects of medical genetics, relevant advances in biotech, and ethical, legal and social issues.

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Honoring the Life and Legacy of Dr. John M. Opitz

All of us in Medical Genetics were deeply saddened by learning of the passing of our friend, teacher, colleague, and mentor, Dr. John Opitz.

John died peacefully at home with his wife Susan and daughter Emma by his bedside on August 31, 2023.

John M. Opitz, MD founded the American Journal of Medical Genetics in 1976 with Alan R Liss, Publisher, and the inaugural issue appeared in 1977. John Wiley & Sons purchased AJMG soon after.

Dr. Opitz joined the faculty of the University of Utah in 1997 after many contributions to the field of medical genetics at the University of Wisconsin and the Medical Genetics program in Montana. During the 6 decades of his career, he received many honors and honorary degrees and is widely regarded as one of the pioneers in medical genetics.

Notwithstanding, John was most proud of his work in educating all of us on the role of evolution in the practice of medicine. For the full article, click here.


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