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Journal of Solid State Physics has ceased publication and is no longer accepting submissions.
Research Article
Open access
Recrystallization from a Three‐Grain Crystalline Iron
-  26 January 2015
Research Article
Open access
High Pressure Study of Structural and Electronic Properties of PbSe
-  30 December 2014
Research Article
Open access
Optical and FT Infrared Absorption Spectra of 3d Transition Metal Ions Doped in NaF-CaF2-B2O3 Glass and Effects of Gamma Irradiation
-  2 December 2014
Research Article
Open access
Structural, Microhardness, Photoconductivity, and Dielectric Properties of Tris(thiourea) Cadmium Sulphate Single Crystals
-  20 November 2014
Research Article
Open access
Temperature Dependence of the Bragg Peak‐Intensity Close to the α‐Incommensurate‐β Transition in Quartz
-  15 October 2014
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