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The Journal of Synchrotron Radiation provides comprehensive coverage of the entire field of synchrotron radiation and free-electron laser research including instrumentation, theory, computing, and scientific applications in areas such as biology, nanoscience, and materials science. We are an open access journal and committed to rapid publication ensuring an up-to-date information resource for scientists and engineers in the field.
Featured Articles
Multi‐stage deep learning artifact reduction for parallel‐beam computed tomography
-  17 February 2025
Resolution enhancement on single‐shot X‐ray spectrometers using a detuned non‐dispersive multi‐crystal analyzer
-  17 February 2025
Graphical Abstract

Resolution enhancement on a single-shot X-ray spectrometer with a detuned non-dispersive multi-crystal analyzer is proposed and demonstrated, indicating the promising potential for capturing the full spectral information, including the fine-spike structure in self-amplified spontaneous emission X-ray free-electron laser radiation.
Enhancing high‐energy powder X‐ray diffraction applications using a PILATUS4 CdTe detector
-  17 February 2025
MYTHEN III: advancements in single photon counting detectors for synchrotron powder diffraction experiments
-  13 February 2025
The following is a list of the most cited articles based on citations published in the last three years, according to CrossRef.
ATHENA, ARTEMIS, HEPHAESTUS: data analysis for X-ray absorption spectroscopy using IFEFFIT
-  537-541
-  5 July 2005
IFEFFIT : interactive XAFS analysis and FEFF fitting
-  322-324
-  1 July 2004
A new FEFF-based wavelet for EXAFS data analysis
-  426-432
-  24 August 2007
MX1: a bending‐magnet crystallography beamline serving both chemical and macromolecular crystallography communities at the Australian Synchrotron
-  187-190
-  26 December 2014
MX2: a high‐flux undulator microfocus beamline serving both the chemical and macromolecular crystallography communities at the Australian Synchrotron
-  885-891
-  6 April 2018