Wiley Oncology Portfolio Diversity Statement


Please see our Wiley Research DE&I Statement available here: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/publishing-policies 


Wiley Oncology Portfolio Diversity Goals: 

  • Continue to diversify our editorial boards and editorial leadership roles based on geography, ethnicity, gender identity, career-stage, and cultural backgrounds, among other diversifying attributes. 
  • Educate members of the journal staff on the current inequalities that reside in the oncology research community, and actively improve these issues. 
  • Enhance clarity of our journal pages and articles so that all information is more accessible for readers. 
  • Encourage reviewers to consider, among other evaluation criteria, whether the citations for a given submission reflect the journal's commitment to diversity. 
  • Ask editors, including those of special issues, to consider the balance of voices represented in their commissioning work, and to actively seek contributions from scholars who belong to underrepresented groups. 


Disclaimer: The Wiley Oncology Portfolio Diversity Goals will update and change as we continue to learn, monitor, and evolve. We welcome suggestions on how we can continue to improve.