Editorial Board

It is with great sadness that we have learned of the death of Yasushi Nishimura on 12th March 2020. He was a valued member of our editorial board and will be sorely missed. If you'd like to read more about Dr Nishimura's many contributions to research and to the lives of others please visit his memorial page here

Professor Grigoris (Gregory) Tsokas
Geophysical Lab.
School of Geology
University of Thessaloniki
GR-541 24, Thessaloniki, Hellas
Assistant Professor Eileen Ernenwein
Department of Geosciences
100 CR Drive, Box 70357
East Tenessee State University
Johnson City, TN 37614-1709
Dr N. Linford (Book Reviews Editor)
Geophysics Team, English Heritage
Fort Cumberland
Eastney, Portsmouth

Dr C. Benech
Lyon, France
Prof L. Conyers
University of Denver, USA
Prof. Michel Dabas
French National Centre for Scientific Research
Paris, France
Dr J.W.E. Fassbinder
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Munich, Germany
Dr Chris Gaffney
School of Archaeological and Forensic Sciences
University of Bradford, UK
Dr T. Herbich
Polish Academy of Sciences
Warsaw, Poland
Dr J. Leckebusch
Steiger Baucontrol
St. Karlistrasse 12
Luzern, Switzerland
Dr Giovanni Leucci
Institute of Cultural Heritage Sciences
Centre of National Research
Lecce, Italy
Dr W. Neubauer
Vienna Institute for Archaeological Science, Austria
Dr N. Papadopoulos
GeoSat ReSeArch Lab, IMS-FORTH
Crete, Greece
Dr S. Piro
Consiglio Nazionale Delle Richerche
Rome, Italy
Dr A. Sarris
Institue of Mediterranean Studies
Crete, Greece
Dr A. Schmidt
University of Bradford, UK
Dr I. Trinks
Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Archaeological Prospection and Virtual Archaeology
Vienna, Austria
Dr Geert Verhoeven
Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Archaeological Prospection and Virtual Archaeology
Vienna, Austria
Dr A.R. Walker
Geoscan Research, Bradford, UK

Dylan S. Davis
Columbia Climate School
Columbia University
Julien Guillemoteau
Institute of Geosciences
University of Potsdam
Natalie Pickartz
Institute of Geosciences and CRC 1266
Kiel University
Jennie O. Sturm
Statistical Research, Inc
and Department of Anthropology
University of New Mexico