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Impact of alcohol on mortality in Eastern Europe: Trends and policy responses
Guest Editors: Domantas Jasilionis, David Leon and Robin Room
Special Section, Volume 39 Issue 7, November 2020
free access
Impact of alcohol on mortality in Eastern Europe: Trends and policy responses
- Drug and Alcohol Review
-  785-789
-  10.1111/dar.13167
Open access
The changing relation between alcohol and life expectancy in Russia in 1965–2017
- Drug and Alcohol Review
-  790-796
-  10.1111/dar.13034
Open access
Alcohol consumption and alcohol policy in Estonia 2000–2017 in the context of Baltic and Nordic countries
- Drug and Alcohol Review
-  797-804
-  10.1111/dar.13008
Open access
Alcohol control policies and mortality trends in Belarus
- Drug and Alcohol Review
-  805-817
-  10.1111/dar.13032
Alcohol‐related male mortality in the context of changing alcohol control policy in Lithuania 2000–2017
Daumantas Stumbrys, Tadas Telksnys, Domantas Jasilionis, Vaida Liutkutė Gumarov, Lukas Galkus, Nijolė Goštautaitė Midttun, Mindaugas Štelemėkas,
- Drug and Alcohol Review
-  818-826
-  10.1111/dar.13059
Holding policy makers to account: Monitoring voting patterns on alcohol and tobacco policy in the Lithuanian Parliament
Mindaugas Štelemėkas, Lukas Galkus, Vaida Liutkutė Gumarov, Nijolė Goštautaitė Midttun, Laura Miščikienė,
- Drug and Alcohol Review
-  827-834
-  10.1111/dar.12972