
The Journal of Elder Policy (JEP) offers a forum for innovative thinking, theorizing, program planning and empirical research relevant to elder policy. We seek to publish informative articles relevant to policies that enhance quality of life and well-being of older adults including the old- old. Why a new interdisciplinary journal about old age and policy? The study of age is thriving as the scientific community works to identify and study the changing circumstances and options in later life among new cohorts of older adults. The welfare of older adults is importantly influenced by social changes, including policy arrangements, impacting both the young and old. We seek to understand factors that shape family supports available to those with needs for medical and social care in late life.  We will apply diverse disciplinary lenses to explore the social forces that shape elder policy and affect what care providers can offer and sustain.

Current policies and service programs to protect the growing old-old population are often inadequate to ensure a good old age. The organization and delivery of medical care poses major challenges to older adults with co-morbid conditions and disabilities. Income inequalities put low SES individuals at greater risks in old age. Strains on policy systems and inadequate resources limit care of the old-old population. But there is also great opportunity at hand as exemplified by technological advances and breakthroughs. We aim to call attention to these issues and propose improved policies that are informed by sound research in the US and around the world.

Aims & Scope

Topics covered in JEP span both in-depth qualitative research and quantitative studies reporting data with strong policy implications. Both empirical studies and abstract theorizing are welcome. JEP will also publish relevant experiential observations based on auto-ethnographic essays. Attention to policy must be integral to formulation and articulation of problems and must go beyond a brief note at the end of a paper about practice and policy implications. All published articles are peer reviewed. 

Submissions are welcome from new investigators as well as emeriti faculty. Papers are sought reflecting contributions of diverse disciplines, including sociology, psychology, anthropology, history, economics, political science, law, medicine, social work, nursing and public health. Experts in these disciplines are included in our Editorial Board. As an international journal we seek to publish cutting edge articles from around the globe.